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Glasgow 11.11.2021: Finance Day

Drivhus i Närpes, Finland
Benjamin Suomela /
No solutions without funding. Our programme on our Finance Day will present a range of Nordic solutions and approaches to climate finance, as well as a look at Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform.


All times are GMT.

10.00 AM - 11.00 AM: How Open Government principles can help deliver Climate Action

Organizers: Scottish Government / Co-organizers: Lithuanian Government, open Government Partnership

This workshop will recognise the important and necessary contributions the public make to delivering Climate Action; will outline ambitions to meaningfully, transparency and accountability involve people; will share learning through good practice examples; will identify practical steps to involve people in delivering Climate Action, including how Open Government can help.

11.15 AM - 12.30 PM: Towards a more liveable planet

JOINT EVENT (Glasgow / Helsinki)

Organizers: NIB, Nefco, NDF

How are the Nordics addressing climate change and contributing to a liveable planet? What is the role of Nordic green financing models in building sustainable and competitive economies? Owned by the Nordic countries, NDF, Nefco and NIB showcase impactful climate actions on a global scale. By invitation only, streaming available for the public.

12.30 PM - 1.15 PM: Nordic Baltic countries sharpen their climate financing

JOINT EVENT (Glasgow / Helsinki)

Organizer: Nordic Investment Bank

The Nordic Investment Bank is the most tangible example of the Nordic and Baltic countries cooperating on climate issues through sustainable financing. Welcome to this launch event of their new Sustainability policy for the bank. The new policy sets out to speed up NIB’s sustainable finance offering, whilst doing what is necessary to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement and UN SDGs.

1.15 PM - 1.45 PM: LUNCH BRIEFING: The Icelandic Youth Environmentalist Association

JOINT EVENT (Glasgow / Helsinki)

We open the backdoor to the UN Climate Change Negotiations and give you the latest updates straight from the Nordic Pavilion in Glasgow. Tune in!

2.00 PM - 3.00 PM: The subsidy swap

Organizer: International Institute for Sustainable Development

This event will explore how the Nordic experience can inform fiscal policy in the global south and make the case for subsidy reform and reallocation to clean energy.

3.30 PM - 4.15 PM: Finance Ministries engaging on climate change

JOINT EVENT (Glasgow / Helsinki)

Organizer: Danish Ministry of Finance / Others involved: The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra 

How are Finance Ministries integrating climate into policy planning? The Danish Ministry of Finance and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra will share experiences with developing green economic models and driving collaboration in the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action on how to anchor climate change issues in Finance Ministries.

4.45 PM - 5.30 PM: More space for women’s leadership

JOINT EVENT (Glasgow / Helsinki)

Organizer: DanChurchAid / Others involved: ACT church of Sweden, FinChurchAid, FELM and Norwegian Church Aid

A new report about lessons from Nordic efforts to integrate gender equality in climate finance, point at both best practices, and possibilities for improvement. Learn about the results from the research and listen to the reaction from the governments. 

6.00 PM - 7.00 PM: Green and Liveable Cities in Africa

Organizer: Nordic Development Fund

Urbanisation is a big challenge in Africa, but a people-centred and climate-proof approach can turn this to an opportunity. Experiences from Nordic cities and businesses show that such a model can bring economic growth, jobs for youth, services and liveable neighbourhoods.


All events will be streamed by We Don’t Have Time and some events will be shown in the NCM channels on YouTube and Facebook.