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BŪTENT! 2022

Audience at BŪTENT!-festival

Audience at BŪTENT!-festival

2 and 3 September 2022 in Lithuania

The BŪTENT! (“Makes sense!”) democracy festival in Birštonas once again plays host to debates where people from political, academic, cultural and non-governmental organisations, as well as the business world meet to discuss developments in key areas, to share ideas, and to create new forms of co-operation.

Opinions are shared and shaped thanks to the great variety of the participants. The goal is to increase tolerance between people and to strengthen democracy.


Please note: Times are local time - Eastern European Summertime (EEST)/GMT+3

2 September 5 PM: If not me, then who? How civil societies mobilize during crises in Lithuania and the Nordics

This talk aims to delve deeper into what civil society mobilization during crises look like in Lithuania and the Nordics, and how the forms for this can develop.

2 September 8 PM: Dead planet vs green transition - Do we know the real price?

Countries and regions agree on ambitious plans to fight climate change and its consequences. At the same time, we see a steep increase in our energy bills and fuel prices. With that, many ask can we afford the green transition? Is dead planet vs empty wallets the only choice we have?

3 September 2.30 PM: How to make Tech work for Democracy?

As the world becomes more digital, we need to have trust in digital services. New technologies bring many new positive possibilities for expansion and inclusion in democracy.

3 September 5.30 PM: How to create a resilient society? Insights from Lithuania, Finland and Sweden

Russia‘s aggression against Ukraine has changed global security environment, forcing many countries to rethink their defence strategies, where civil defence plays very important role.