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“Climate finance is influencing everything else“

09.11.22 | Nyhet
Christoffer Nelson sweden

Christoffer Nelson, Deputy head of the Swedish delegation to COP27, sharing his thoughts on the negotiations at COP27.

Andreas Omvik

Christoffer Nelson, deputy head of the Swedish delegation to COP27, shares his thoughts on the negotiations at the summit.

At the opening day in the Nordic pavilion, deputy head of the Swedish delegation to COP27, Christoffer Nelson, shared his thoughts on the main discussion topics and conflicts areas at the summit.

Every day at the Nordic pavilion, we're inviting one of the party negotiators from the Nordic and Baltic countries to our stage. On 8 November deputy head of the Swedish delegation to COP27, Christoffer Nelson, gave us a quick overview of this year’s negotiations.

"We have climate finance that's influencing everything else. And we have climate adaptation which is a crucial issue for the African continent. And then we have the loss and damage issue which relates very much to both adaptation and finance. It’s basically finance, finance, finance," Christoffer explained, in relation to the key negotiation points for this year’s COP.

With regard to the legacy from COP26 and how that is influencing current negotiations, Christoffer gave a quick run through of the Glasgow Climate Pact and on how countries also agreed to update their national determined contributions (NDCs) both this year as well as through their long-term strategies.

"So far only 29 parties out of 196 have actually updated their national determined contribution, so we're not there yet," he said. 

It’s basically finance, finance, finance.

Christoffer Nelson

Wording is key

He is not keeping his hopes up for more ambitious targets from the parties, and his focus instead rests on the wording of the agreements.

"I really hope that we'll see the wording toughened up here in Sharm el Sheikh," he said. The Glasgow Climate Pact mentioned fossil fuels subsidies for the first time and it is this wording that Christoffer is hoping to see progress on this year.

"I'll be very satisfied if we can agree on wording that mentions global prices for carbon and the phasing out of fossil fuels, as well as wording that helps speed up the process of closing the ambition gap through a programme of mitigation work that's ambitious enough to actually achieve that. I'll be very happy if we could succeed with that," he said.


The daily briefings take place every day at 13:15 EET in the Nordic pavilion.

Follow our stream from COP27 for more updates direct from the negotiations.