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Reaching the Agenda 2030

06.12.19 | Viðburður
Jonas Jacobsson
The SDG’s are all about making the planet sustainable. It is about climate change. It is about the world we are passing on to the future generations. Swing by and get engaged in talks and learn from speakers about how we together will reach the Agenda 2030.


12:30 - 19:30

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56 Stockholm


Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program below). Events are free of charge.

Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

12.30-13.30 Lunch talk ReGeneration: youth food and climate activism

  • Emil Vincentz, youth activist and founder of Symplistic

In this lunch talk we will hear from Emil Vincentz, a youth activist and founder of the sustainability firm Symplistic. What are the expectations and demands on political leadership on food sustainability from the younger generation? What do they want the food system to deliver? And importantly, what policies do they see as desirable and feasible in this space, e.g. what policies would they themselves agree to follow to tackle the booming food related health and climate crises?

Nordic food Policy Lab, Nordic Council of Ministers

14.00-15.30 The climate aware next generation – is your company ready?

When it comes to combatting climate change, changing the ways in which we produce and consume goods in the Nordics is vital. This event brings together ambitious businesses from the Swedish Global Compact Network and Nordic youth, representing the next generation of climate conscious consumers.

The Nordic Council of Ministers in collaboration with Global Compact Sweden 

16.00-17.00 Young Water Solutions for Sustainable Development

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

This event will highlight such solutions and water’s integral role in achieving sustainable development. The event will feature young innovators and scientists from Sweden and Spain, showcasing their solutions to challenges in water availability, energy, and waste management, as well as knowledge gaps in climate change impacts.

  • Moderator Ania Andersch, Senior Manager, SIWI
  • Miguel Sequeiros Doval, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn
  • Ariadna Gonzáles Navarro, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn
  • Jonatan Persson, entrepreneur and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn
  • Michael Nyirenda, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI):

18.00-18.30 Briefing Swedish delegation and civil society

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

An informal update between the Swedish civil society and the Swedish delegation of status and reflections of the COP negotiations with chief negotiator Mattias Frumerie. There will also be some time for questions. Will be held in Swedish.

Swedish Ministry of Environment

18.30-19.30 Actions Towards Sustainable Consumption of Food

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

This session will be a combination of a panel session and an interactive hour that is inspired by a “News Hour”. The panellists will together with the representative in Madrid identify a formulation of the problem to focus on. Identified invited guests will be interviewed individually by the panellists.

Hosts: Amy Au, Irene Blomqvist, Jonas Færgeman, Stinne Friis Vognæs and Tatiana Lanshina


  • Amanda Wood, SRC
  • Henric Hansson, Klimato
  • Marie Person & Afton Halloran, Nordic Food Policy Lab
  • Elin Aronsen Beis, Foodloopz

ReGeneration 2030

Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program above). Events are free of charge. Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

Note that changes in the program may occur. 

LIVE from 4:00 p.m.

LIVE from 6:00 p.m.