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Baltic Sea Region to be a beacon for the bioeconomy

04.11.16 | Fréttir
Benjamin Suomela / Norden.org
Join the Nordic Council of Ministers and our partners in Stockholm 8–9 November 2016 and gain an insight into the cutting edge of the bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region.

With a combined population of more than 85 million people, the Baltic Sea Region has the potential to become a beacon for sustainable development and green growth.

The Nordic Council of Ministers comes to Stockholm 8– 9 November 2016 as part of the 7th Strategy Forum for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). Many people consider the region to be a pioneer of sustainable development.

Bioeconomy plays a key role shaping the future

The bioeconomy provides a wide range of opportunities, e.g. in green energy and cutting food waste, an area in which the region is already “best in class”. Pilot projects have shown how a digital economy and innovation can be developed between cities for the benefit of the local populations.

However, the circle does not stop there. In Stockholm, you will learn about new and exciting views on how the bioeconomy plays a key role shaping the future in fashion by transforming wood fibres into fabrics for clothes, and you will learn how modelling a smart inclusive and sustainable Baltic Sea Region is pivotal to the internationalisation models for digital start-ups.


Prime Ministers to attend and share their visions

The prime ministers of Sweden, Mr. Stefan Löfven and Finland, Mr. Juha Sipilä will both join Secretary General Dagfinn Høybråten, and leading world experts from organisations such as H&M, Supercell and the Paper Province, as well as politicians and business leaders in Stockholm for the EUSBSR conference. Their presence is a testimony to the importance they attach to the young Baltic democracies, which celebrate their first quarter of a century this year.

It is also proof that building on trust and collaboration is the way forward and the catalyst for any new ideas, e.g. making the Baltic Sea Region a beacon for innovative new business by encouraging the bioeconomy.


Sessions and workshop during the 7th Strategy forum

Tuesday 8 November 2016



Programme for the 7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR (strategyforum2016.eu)