About Nordic Council or Ministers Office in Lithuania
One of the office's most important tasks is to identify new trends and look for new opportunities for joint Nordic-Lithuanian co-operation. We bring together Nordic and Lithuanian politicians, civil servants, experts, private sector representatives, youth and opinion leaders in areas of common interest.
The office is an important hub and facilitator for information and co-operation with the Nordic countries, Nordic institutions and Nordic co-operation. It is an outlet for promoting the Nordic culture in Lithuania, also serving as a platform for opportunities for Nordic-Lithuanian collaboration.
The office acts as a liaison between the Nordic Ministerial Councils and the Secretariat in Copenhagen on the one side, and the Lithuanian ministries and relevant official bodies on the other.
The office promotes Nordic culture in Lithuania and encourage Nordic-Lithuanian cultural co-operation.
The office administers several Nordic Council of Ministers funding programmes and other projects in Lithuania.
The office promotes the development of democracy and civic society in Belarus.
Please visit the official website to learn more about Office’s activities, events and funding opportunities: www.norden.lt